Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Synchronized Swim Lessons

Working on one of her aqua ballet routines. She is trying to show me how to move my arms just right.
Okay...just can't get enough of her in that swimsuit and hat!
After a fun day in the pool...relaxing with her main man.

Rock Star in the Making

Hazel has already mastered her power chords, but her Dad wants her to be a folky. While he sleeps I make sure she gets a good dose of Cake, Green Day, and the good old 8O's!


Hazel is finding her fingers and having fun shoving all of them into her mouth at one time! Crazy kid! Must be a Burke trait!

She is also getting VERY close to rolling over.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hanging With Friends

Hazel with Ceci and Auntie Georgie at Auntie Karen's house.

Toooo cute, little Miss Ana telling us what to do! She has quite a strong personality it!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Chubby Cheeks

Little Miss Sunshine

WoW!! Don't know the words to express just how incredible it is to see her eyes first open in the morning and this smile to break out across her face. We melt. Any desire to crawl back into bed quickly passes as Hazel starts talking and laughing.

Found Her Thumb

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Because she is so darn cute!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Feeling Better

Hazel is almost back to herself after having her first cold. Still fighting the booggers, but less sneezing and teary eyes.
Another first: Hazie J met her first celebrity on sunday, Lisa Loeb! We went to see her at Barnes & Nobles where she was promoting her new kids album, Camp Lisa. She played lots of songs for the kids and even "Stay, I missed You" for all the 30+ parents! Hazie liked the music, wiggling and cooing. She fell asleep waiting for her autograph, but none the less, Lisa thought she was a sweetie and had spotted her in the crowd in the wrap (got to love the Moby wrap...gets you noticed! Lisa liked the wrap and wants one when she has a baby). Help Lisa help kids get to summer camp by buying her CD. (Sorry to Auntie Donna...we again forgot the camera, so no pic :-( of the girl with Lisa )

Monday, July 14, 2008

So Tall

Hazel is growing like a weed and loves her Dad.


Hazel had a surprise visit from Grand Godparents on saturday as they traveled through Portland. I was so gld they got to meet Hazel, they mean the world to me :-) Grand-Godmother got to snuggle with Hazel as she napped away...just as they were leaving she opened her eyes (still blue) for them!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Love that Smile

Zelly Belly

Had another successful trip to the Mommy Matinee today. Hazel took her Auntie Karen with her this time too. Such an awesome a movie and encourage parents to bring their babies. It was nice to get inside an air conditioned place and beat the heat for a couple hours. Oh, forgot to mention how her first concert went...she did amazing! Slept through a great show though, but that was okay for us! She also had her first hike in the woods...stayed awake for a little of it, but was lulled to sleep by the walking motion and the river sounds.

Bathing Beauty

Decided to give the pool another try, this time putting it on the deck and filling it with warmer water from the kitchen. Hazie-J had fun, spending about 15 minutes splashing around. We think she would have stayed in longer, but we had to evacuate the pool after she decided to go poo poo! I just love her in her suit...she looks like such a big girl!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just like my Grandpoppa

Hazel outside in the front yard wearing her hat that would make her Grandpoppa proud!

This week she had many firsts....first movie with Mom at mommy matinee: Baby Mama; first trip to the Gorge for walk and picnic where she napped with Dad; first 4th of July, fell asleep before fireworks; and tonight will be her first concert...Jonathan Richman (we'll see how that works out!).

H.J. checking out the sweet new shoes her Dad's buddy made her...Thanks Pam!!