Monday, September 9, 2013


Yep, it is true.  Today is Hazel's first day of Kindergarten.  So hard to believe that we have reached this monumental day in our lives.  She woke early, so we had plenty of time to get ready.  She, who usually takes forever and a day to eat a meal and get moving, was dressed, hair combed, and breakfast eaten by 7:05!   We were out the door at 7:30 and walked with her buddy, Coleman, to school.  They walked, ran, jumped all the way there.  It was a jumble of energy at the school, but the best kind.  All happy faces around.  Hazel got right to her desk, put her name tag on, put her picture up on the "question of the day" board (today, "are you excited about kindergarten?"  Yes of course!), and got right to work coloring a picture.  Very proud to tell us how well she was staying in the lines!  She was smiles, no tears.  Gave a thumbs up as we said our goodbyes.  No tears from Mama, Daddy said he had to hold back some at one point.  But now as I write this and look at the pictures, and not hear her little voice in the house, tears are streaming down my face.  So amazing how one little person can fill your heart.  She is amazing, while amazing me every day!  Go Hazel, we are soooo proud of you!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

All Dressed Up

We went to see Jen get married and Hazel was pretty close to stealing the lime light from the bride!  She wore her very fancy dress and had her hair in a up-do! She had a blast with her cousins eating, drinking, and dancing!

Fireworks Fantastic!

No Fourth of July is complete without some home done fireworks if you are Hazel.  She invited her friend Coleman from across the street to help us with the fun.  This picture really shows the two sides of fireworks...Hazel found them noisy, ears plugged while Coleman has his hands on his cheeks in awe!!  They play so nice together, glad they moved into the neighborhood.  Fingers crossed they get into the same kindergarten class.

Look Mom, No Training Wheels

Mark today on the calendar!  Hazel took her first ride without training wheels and is now ready for the Tour de France.  Do we still have time to get her over to France??   
Amazing.  Now a few words from the bicycle princess herself....

hazel     jane dezellem burke

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mother's Day Tea

For Mother's Day Hazel's Pre-K class put on a show for their Mom's.  They sang us lots of beautiful songs that they had learned and practiced.  They also made us lovely necklaces and then served us treats.  It was wonderful!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hazel's Pippi BIrthday Party

 The birthday party partakers!  Great group of kids and lots of fun!
 Playing pin the braid on Pippi.  And we thought Pippi had some crazy hair before!!!
 Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Pippi, oooppss, I mean Hazel, Happy Birthday to you!

 Running off some of the sugar!!
 The effects of sugar-crazy dance party!
 It is not a party without a Pinata!  This year, we beat "Old Man", Pippi's horse.  When they were done with it , all that was left was the head. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

 Reading to her girls-Lusanne, Lucy, and Andara.
 Symphony storytime in February, percussion week.  Had fun listing to the stories with different percussion accompaniment.

Dressing Mirabelle

Flipping Good Time!

Happy 5th (what???!!!???) Birthday Hazel!!!!!!!

 6:30am  on Wednesday April 17th 2013.  Hazel is 5 years, 2 hours old! So hard to believe.  She wanted to open presents with her daddy before he went to work.  She is truly becoming a little girl. She asked for a doll that had hair she could comb, eyes that opened, and arms and legs that move.  We welcome to our family, Mirabelle.

 Camera from her Grammy and Mimi.  Now maybe we will get back in the swing of putting pictures on the blog!

 Hazel loves the pink skyscraper and has wanted to go into it for so long.  Today was the day.  Took her on a surprise to the top for a drink and some good cheer with her best buddy, Hazle Isabella and her new bestie, Mirabelle.

 Happy Birthday treat and song #4 for the day.  I remember my mom making these for me when I was a kid and loved them.  Hazel thought it was pretty cool.  She wanted to eat them outside (too much being stuck inside all winter).  They caught the eye of neighbors so we shared and as Hazel put it, "we are having a birthday block party!!"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The Children's Museum here in Portland have a great exhibit on one of my favorite artists, Marc Chagall.  I was very excited to take Hazel to it.  she had fun dressing up and dancing in front of one of his paintings and creating her own masterpiece.  Wish Auntie Donna could be here to enjoy it, she loves Chagall too!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Singing Debut

We went to the Curious Garden Comedy morning yesterday on Sunday.  Always looking for live theather family fun to share with Hazel.  After the little performance they hold an open mic for the kids.  Hazel was all for giving it a go.  She patiently waited her turn and then gave her stunning singing debut!  So Darn Cute!!!