Monday, July 27, 2009

Blueberries and Buddies

And they're off!!! So one of the best things about living in the Pacific NW is the amazing summer of berries we get to enjoy. Going to Sauvie Island and picking berries has become a summer ritual for us. We met up with Hazel's buddies and did some blueberry picking last week. The kids were so cute, and had a blast picking and eating berries til there bellies burst!

Sampling a ripe one! Yummy!!

May have been a little on the green side...tart!

Ana showing Hazel which ones are the ripest!!

Little blueberry love!!
Thanks Georgie for getting such amazing snaps of the kids!!!

Gardener in the Making

Giving Raspberries

Just one of Hazel's lastest and greatest tricks!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Off to the Highland Games With McHazel

Sporting her kilt, ready play the bagpipes.

Day With Mimi and Uncle Billy

Playing in the tunnel at the park.

Vet in the making???

Uncle Billy, Daddy, Mimi, and Hazel

My Family

My last day with my Grandma and Auntie Donna. Boy I had fun having Grandma around, I miss my playmate.

But, I didn't have time to be too sad because before they even left, my Mimi and Uncle Billy came to visit!!! This was tooo cool! We had a great time together berry picking, antique shopping, playing at the park, and have picnics in the backyard. I miss all of you!

Reading to Baby

Sitting in her rocker, reading to her baby. What a good little mamma!


Hazel couldn't get enough of the delicious guacamole that her Aunt Stacy made. We just kept putting more and more on top of the same chip. We will see if history repeats itself with our fickle eater.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Its Getting Hot In Here

After filling her belly with 4th of July hot dogs, Hazel was just too hot and full to wear her clothes. We went out back to cool down and play. Being sun smart, she wore her hat.

After playing a little while, she really needed to cool down, so she wanted to run through the sprinklers.

Or at least sip some water from the sprinklers!

Tending to her plants in the buff.

Naked swing...little breezy any other day, but feeling .nice today

Big Chair

We opened Pandora's box and now Hazel can't get enough of sitting in a big chair. She looks so darn cute.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hiking at Silver Falls

Okay, 14 mos isn't too young to make Hazel carry her own gear when hiking is it???

Stopped for snacks along the trail.

Looking cute

And even more cute!

Chasing waterfalls with Daddy.

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Hazel loves flowers. We have teaching her to smell them and to try not to pick them.

A little blurry...but can't resist that cheesy smile! Where did she get that???