Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sitting and Talking

Been trying to get a video of Haze talking but she either clams up when I get the camera out and rolling, or she starts out gibber jabbering and turns quick to fussing. Oh well, she is still pretty darn cute any way she is so here she is in her happy-go-fussy way!!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Haze sitting up.....

and falling over!!!!!

Playing with her "boom box"

Hamming it up for the camera.

Showing off how big she is getting. It's not as easy to share the couch with her anymore...she takes up a lot of room!!! We weighed her last night and by our scale she is................................. 16lbs!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Oh....can't find words but if you have ever played on the floor with a baby who has just discovered her new abilities and strengths, then you know what we are feeling!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Spa Girl

Still Blue

Just some cute ones of our cutie pie. Her eyes are still completely blue :-)

Monday, August 18, 2008

New Trick!

I was just about to jump into bed this morning when Jim called me to come quick. Haze was rolling over for the first time!! And she hasn't stopped since. Ahhh mobility...start of her indepedence and our troubles.

Zelly Belly Time

Hazel is liking tummy time now that her arms are no longer noodles and support her bobbily head.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sitting Up........

Okay, so not quite fully sitting up, ut more of a lean that lasted about 5 seconds....just long enough to snap the pic. This week she has started this and then falls to her tummy with her arms in front and legs out behind not touching the floor...picture a penguin sliding on the ice into the water! Everyday is something new....Amazing!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hanging With Her Cousins

H.J. and JoJo

JoJo brought this out for Hazel to play with yesterday...she must have sat on it for 10 minutes. Jo knows what the girl likes!

Baby Command Center

We are all loving the exersaucer (thanks L&D gang!)...Hazel thinks it is great to be "standing" and we think it is great to have her "standing" and not need to use our arms for a bit! She is still a little short for it, explains the phone book booster, but she was having fun with it this afternoon. It is incredible how much more she can do in just this last week. Her grasp has become the fist of steel!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Cat Rider

Ahhh, the lengths that a cat will go to in our family for a little attention these days!!! Diego is going to either be Haze's best friend or he will lose weight running from her in the days to come!

Family Photo!

The 3 of us having some fun!


So is nose picking a 4 month milestone? If so, our girl has met it! Maybe next she will work on rolling over!!!
Hazel had her 4 month pediatrician appointment last week and now weighs.......13 lbs 12 oz and is 24 inches long!!!!!!!!! So she is right on target, at the 50th percentile.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Since day 1, Diego has been at my side when I nurse Hazel. If he had his way, he would be in my lap with her. We have slowly let him get closer to her and this morning couldn't help but find the sweetness in him putting his head on hers.

Horsing Around

Hazelina ( as her Aunt Georgie called her the nic name!) snuggling with her horse friend.

Okay, how many pics can we post of her with the same adorable smile???? Not nearly enough! Hazel's smile sends us to the moon and is our mission to have her never stop supplying us with photo ops!

H.J. has found her thumb and is not afraid to use it! Sure beats chasing the binkie!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Gwen's Birthday at the Beach

Hazel made her first trip to the coast to help her Auntie Gwen celebrate her birthday. She watched her cousins play in the sand and kites flying above. It was a sunny day, but the wind was cool so we didn't take a dip in the ocean, just watched the waves crash.
After the beach Hazel had some play time with her cousins. JoJo is such a great big cousin to Hazel, always looking after her and wanting to help make her happy.

Oh boy...we are going to be in for trouble! Hazel thought holding on to this was the best thing! Jo Jo and Nate thought she might have fun playing with it...they were right!

Her smile just sends sparks through our bodies from head to toes!